Commercial Cleaning

Covid-19; Changing Commercial Cleaning Services

Commercial Cleaning

Covid-19; Changing Commercial Cleaning Services

7th June 2022

Having affected millions of people and businesses worldwide over – and still running through many countries as this is being written – the COVID-19 global pandemic has taught us many things about cleanliness and hygiene.

Suppose one good thing has come from this horrific event. In that case, more people are taking cleaning seriously and recognising the importance of maintaining high standards of cleanliness in both their homes and businesses. Where cleaning was once often done just for appearances, the focus has now shifted to cleaning for health purposes, and many believe that’s it about time, too.

Our team here at Dublcheck Cleaning has been providing high-quality commercial cleaning services for several years; the pandemic has helped us focus our cleaning but has helped us expand to new businesses. Our job is to help create the safest and most hygienic workplace we can for you. Please get in touch with one of our team members today to find out more. 

Commercial Cleaning Services

The importance of cleaning in the commercial sector

More businesses than we imagine were negatively impacted by COVID-19 this past two years, from government restrictions and lockdowns to staff shortages due to sickness and mandatory quarantine. Some were forced to close their doors for good, while others managed to stay afloat. Essential businesses such as government offices, hospitals, grocery stores, medical centres, etc., needed to remain open. 

Still, they had to undergo regular and stringent virus decontamination cleaning processes to do so safely. This was necessary to neutralise harmful germs and limit the reach of the potentially deadly virus.

Since a primary driver of the COVID-19s virus is that people can be carrying the virus long before they experience symptoms (and even longer before it is detected), it makes mitigating the risk of an outbreak at commercial facilities a matter of genuine urgency. 

Add that to the uncertainty that new virus variants have brought (such as the Delta variant) and the increased contagion levels. Many countries are witnessing a previously unseen demand for professional commercial cleaning services.

Routine COVID cleaning services and preventative disinfection, coupled with company PPE policies and other safety measures, have been proven to be the only effective way to prevent an outbreak of COVID-19 and keep both workers and the public protected from exposure to the virus as possible.

How commercial cleaning services have adapted to COVID-19

Taking their responsibility incredibly seriously, reputable commercial cleaning services have been following the regularly updated cleaning protocols recommended by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), regardless of whether they’re tasked to clean a retail venue, physician’s office, or warehouse or any other commercial space.

The focus has also shifted to ensuring that sensitive areas of a commercial facility, such as toilets, door handles, counters and light switches, are given as much priority when cleaning takes place as any other surface, and commercial cleaning services follow a strict checklist to ensure that no area is left unclean.

They have also ensured that every member of their cleaning team understands the new and updated cleaning techniques and that they are trained to use the products and equipment given to them safely.

Hygiene Deep Cleans

How Commercial Cleaners Are Handling The Pandemic

Let’s take a closer look at how commercial cleaning services are handling the virus:

  • Disinfecting and sanitising

Using hospital-grade broad-spectrum disinfectants that clean, disinfect, sanitise and deodorise all at once, commercial cleaning companies can ensure that all surfaces within a facility are 99.9% free from bacteria, viruses, fungi and mould.

  • Protecting

Once the disinfectant has been used according to the manufacturer’s guidelines by the commercial cleaning team, they may then use an antimicrobial surface protectant to keep surfaces free of odour and stain-causing bacteria, fungi (mould and mildew), and algae between cleanings and for up to 3 months. 

The benefits of commercial cleaning services

As more and more businesses reopen their doors and try to regain lost revenue, the importance of keeping the working environment hygienically clean has never been more essential. 

In short, the cleaner a commercial facility is, the less likely employees are to become sick, and the more comfortable they’ll feel working in the environment, knowing that measures – such as professional cleaning – are being actively taken to protect their wellbeing and keep the virus out.

As any business owner knows, healthy workers are happier workers, and the happier your workers are, the more likely they are to be productive and help you turn a profit!

Commercial cleaning services have changed some of their protocols and techniques to comply with the CDC and ensure that all traces of COVID-19 (or, indeed, any other virus) are not just banished from a building, room or warehouse but are prevented from ever taking hold.

Fortunately, commercial cleaning services can prove their true worth with this new and heightened awareness surrounding cleanliness. Many businesses wouldn’t have been able to reopen – and stay open – without their help.

Pro's & Cons Franchise

Contact Dublcheck Cleaning Today

Covid-19 has had a massive impact on the way businesses operate, and commercial cleaning is no exception. As we continue to navigate these uncharted waters, it’s more important than ever to have a trusted partner who can help you maintain a clean and safe workplace. 

Dublcheck Cleaning has provided quality commercial cleaning services for over 25 years, and we’re here to help you get through this pandemic. Contact us today to learn more about our services or schedule a free consultation!

To find out more about the commercial cleaning services we can offer you, all you need to do is give one of our team members a call. Our team are always more than happy to help you in any way we can; our goal is cleanliness and hygiene for every business. 

How can we help?
0800 317 236
Head Office Address
Dublcheck House, Minerva Court, Minerva Avenue, Chester, CH1 4QT
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